FAQ & Dealers
Where are you located?
I'm located in Barrhaven, which is a suburb of Ottawa, Canada's capital.
Do you offer in-home trials?
In-home trials are available on Unity branded products to customers in the Ottawa area, provided that the product on loan for evaluation does not come into contact with strong smells or smoke. Trial periods vary depending on the product being evaluated.
Do you buy used audio?
I don't buy used audio.
However, I can accept your quality audio items as a donation, and any profits from the sale of those items will be donated to charity.
Do you really donate a portion of your profits to cancer research?
Yes. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the treatment I received from the countless care givers I met during my battle. It's only right that I give back so that others can benefit.
What is your return policy?
Returns are discouraged. Please don't buy something that you plan on returning. It costs money to package and ship product in the first place. Think of the impact that has on our fragile planet. Now, double it because you intend on returning it.
However, an unopened product may be returned within 14 days of purchase. All returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee. The customer is responsible for any return shipping costs. If it's been in contact with smoke are strong smells NO REFUND WILL BE GRANTED. Chemo has made me VERY sensitive to smoke, I can very easily tell if exposure has taken place.
Distinctive Audio is Ottawa's go-to place for 2-ch audio. Authorized dealer for Unity Audio, and many other quality brands. www.distinctiveaudio.ca
Ash Forest Hi-Fi is a specialty retailer in Kingston, Ontario. Authorized dealer for Unity Audio, and many other quality brands. www.ashforesthifi.com
Audio Matters is a dealer in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His shop might be new, but he's been involved in audio for over 20 years. He's very active on Instagram (audio.matters) and specializes in vintage audio. www.audiomatters.ca
Six Acoustic is a manufacturer in Ajax, Ontario. Their products are referred to as "high end instruments to precisely amplify and deliver the audio signal to your output device free of noise and distortion". Their most recent phono stage is getting a lot of attention, and is a perfect pairing with Unity Audio's new Cancer Fighter SL phono cable. www.sixacoustic.com
Unity Audio is proud to partner with Riverwood Acoustics. This partnership is formed on a shared interest in high fidelity home audio that is handcrafted in North America. By producing product locally and sustainably our local economy and environment will prosper. Plus, use the coupon code "unity" to save $100 off a Riverwood speaker purchase!
All their product is made in Renfrew, Ontario.